Anina Toskani and her amazing story, how she came from singing to silence and then from silence to painting. Anina Toskani tells us this amazing story in her books – als die Bilder malen lernten -, Braco, kleiner Bruder, großer Engel – and the newest one ‚Das Ende vom Lied‘. On this blog you can see the video how Anina Toskani came to paint…
Anina Toskani had amazing experiences she likes to share with you – how she fought against the Alzheimer Demons of Queen Mum Deli, how Anina Toskani and her mother laughed in the Holy Spirit and how Anina Toskani met Jesus Christ in her livingroom one afternoon and then, how Anina Toskani came from Belcanto to Art …
Here the interested reader can find her books easily
If the reader likes to know how Anina Toskani met frog at Frankfurt during the International Bookfair, just watch the story.
If you like to know how Anina Toskani met Mr. Bear, click here and watch…
Perhaps you are still curious and like to see frog’s next question and learn more about how to surf a couch, just dive into it here…